Matt Kawahara
Age: 34
Hometown: Glendale Heights, IL
Wins: 2
Races: 21
Mens World Ranking 2019/2020: 66th
Mens World Championship 2019/2020: 77th
Competing Since: Saint Paul 2015
Instagram: @kawa2287
When did you learn to skate?
-Age 4
Did you play hockey growing up?
-Yes- Up until College
What other sports did you play growing up?
If you could do anything non-athletic in your spare time, what is it?
-Travel to new places and see the world
Describe going down an IceCross track for the first time:
-The most fun you’ll have falling on your ass
What first got you interested in the sport?
-The speed, adrenaline and complete ridiculousness of it
If there is one piece of advice that you could offer new riders, what would it be?
-Get as much non-flat skating experience as you can and have fun with the races
Who is your favorite sports athlete?
-Sanka from Cool Runnings